
General Privacy Statement
Waxing-expert.com is committed to protecting user privacy. Waxing-expert.com understands and appreciates that visitors and users of this web site are concerned about their privacy and the confidentiality and security of any information that may be provided to Waxing-expert.com.

Waxing-expert.com uses the relevant provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region as a guide in its administration of personal information.

This Privacy Policy applies to your use of the website operated under the domain name Waxing-expert.com and the services provided by Vincent Raya Co. Ltd. (Vincent Raya).

Where this Privacy Policy refers to your “personal information”, it means information about you (as an individual) from which your identity is apparent, or can reasonably be ascertained. Your name and e-mail address are examples of personal information.

Information Collected
In the course of us providing products and services to you, we may collect the personal information that you provide. This information may consist of: Name, address, phone number, delivery address, email address, and online identifies such as cookies and IP addresses.

Use and Disclosure of Information
We use this information in a number of ways:
• To send you newsletters to inform you the latest news and events
• To provide and improve our service to you and product range and product feedback
• To allow you file and notify us of formal complaints
• To allow you to use our booking system to book any appointments
• To take part in our surveys
• To allow you to register the warranty of machines
• To allow you to check the servicing progress for machines

Such information is only used internally and not shared with anybody else. Our website may also use a website recording service which may record mouse clicks, mouse movements, page scrolling and any text keyed into website forms. Data collected by this service is used to improve our website usability. The information collected is stored and is used for aggregated and statistical reporting, and is not shared with anybody else.

Reasons We Can Collect and Use Your Personal Information
We rely on the following lawful bases: our legitimate interests, consent from you (if applicable) and for the purposes of concluding a contract with you as the legal grounds for collecting and using your personal data. Our legitimate interests are providing or offering our products or services to you.

When you access our website, we will use cookies. Cookies are tiny text files that identify your computer to us. This helps us personalize our website to your best interests. Without cookies we wouldn’t be able to recognize you, make recommendations, update you or allow you to automatically update previously added information. Cookies cannot read any other information that may be stored on your hard drive or access any other information about you or people who may use your computer. Only Vincent Raya can access the information provided by these cookies.

Email records
This is a Vincent Raya Co. Ltd website. Vincent Raya may add your name and address details to a mailing list. Vincent Raya Co. Ltd will not disclose these details to third parties without your consent, unless required by law. E-mail messages may be monitored by waxing-expert.com support staff or system troubleshooting and maintenance purposes.

Contact Us
We may change this privacy notice from time to time. You should check this policy occasionally to ensure you are aware of the most recent version.

Please contact us if you have any questions about this privacy notice or the information we hold about you.